Theses/Dissertations from 2012
A Baseline Study of Chemical Parameters and Microbial Diversity of Two Streams in the Ten Mile Creek Watershed in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Jennifer Rutter ( 2012)
Teacher-Child Interaction Therapy: Efficacy with a Clinical Preschool Population, Kristen Friedrich Schaffner (Spring 2012)
Neuropsychological Predictors of Math Calculation and Reasoning in School-Aged Children, Dana Schneider (Fall 2012)
Characterization of the Hepatitis C Virus Genome Interactions with the microRNA miR-122: Potential New Therapeutic Targets for Peptide Nucleic Acid Based Strategies, Valerie Schrott (Spring 2012)
Cyberbullying and Suicide among a Sample of LGBTQ Young Adults, Heather Schwickrath (Summer 2012)
Is It Choice or Is It Interest?: The Effect of Choice and Interest on the Cognitive and Affective Engagement of Elementary Students Performing a Reading Task, Jerilyn Scott ( 2012)
Examining Relational Aggression and Conflict Resolution Skills In Overtly Aggressive Non-Caucasian Females, Jessica R Scott ( 2012)
Grace in Intimate Interpersonal Communication: C.S. Lewis on its Presence and Practice, Celeste Seymour (Summer 2012)
Human Trafficking and Health Care Professionals: Assessment of Medical and Nursing Education Programs' Curricula on Recognizing and Helping Victims of Human Trafficking, Nurlanbek Sharshenkulov (Summer 2012)
Depictions of Mental Disorder in Mainstream American Film 1988-2010, Catherine A. Sherman (Fall 2012)
Graduate Recital, Violin, Caitlin Shroyer (Spring 2012)
Graduate Recital, Trumpet, Stephen Slivka (Spring 2012)
Graduate Recital, Violin, Anton Smirnov (Spring 2012)
Interpreting Material Cooperation as a Function of Moral Development to Guide Ministry Formation, Steven Squires (Spring 2012)
Perceptions of School Climate and Connectedness:The Impact of a Cross Age Peer Mentoring Program, Kathleen Staude-Sites (Summer 2012)
Explaining the Role of Scripture in the Economy of Redemption as it Relates to the Theological and Hermeneutical Contributions of David Tracy, Hans Frei, Kevin Vanhoozer and Henri de Lubac, Kevin Storer (Spring 2012)
Nurse Educators' Perceptions About the Culture of Nursing and Their Role in Bringing Students into that Culture: A Focused Ethnography, Susan Maria Strouse (Spring 2012)
Beliefs and Technology - Does One Lead to the Other? Evaluating the Effects of Teacher Self-Efficacy and School Collective Efficacy on Technology Use in the Classroom, Elaine Studnicki (Spring 2012)
An Investigation of the Additive Benefits of Parent Dialogic Reading Techniques in Older Preschool Children, Sarah O'Neill Switalski (Fall 2012)
Embodying Technology: A Hermeneutic Inquiry into Corporeality and Identity as Manifested in a Case of Strap-On Dildo Use, Amy Taylor ( 2012)
Literary Imagination and Community Mental Health: A Deleuzian Analysis of Discourse in a Fiction Reading Group, Rodney Teague (Summer 2012)
"Freedom of Speech and Religion?": Psychological Intelligence that Overthrew a Guatemalan Government, 1952-1954, Sean Thearle (Spring 2012)
Listening to Language in Gadamer's Hermeneutics, Sanda Tomuletiu (Summer 2012)
The Triptych Tetrad: Marshall McLuhan's Neo-Medieval Communication Theory, Anthony Wachs (Spring 2012)
The Impact of Participation in a Secondary School-Based Mentoring Program on Urban Females After High School Graduation, Sandra Lee Wesolowski (Fall 2012)
Simulation-based Learning in Healthcare Ethics Education, Kathryn E. Wilt (Fall 2012)
Theological and Liturgical Dimensions of Ecclesial Authorization for U.S. Catholic Lay Ecclesial Ministers, Mary Beth Yount (Fall 2012)
Application of First Principle Modeling in Combination with Empirical Design of Experiments and Real-Time Data Management for the Automated Control of Pharmaceutical Unit Operations, Brian Zacour (Spring 2012)
Chromate Reduction by Desulfovibrio Desulfuricans ATCC 27774, Ning Zhang ( 2012)
Synthesis of Bicyclic Thieno[2,3-d]Pyrimidines, Tricyclic Thieno[2,3-d]Pyrimidines and Thieno[3,2-d]Pyrimidines as Classical and Nonclassical Antifolates, Xilin Zhou (Fall 2012)
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Beggars Can't Be Choosers or the Refugee as a Moral Agent?, Pamela Cartier Allen (Spring 2011)
Encountering Questions of Religion in Psychotherapy: A Hermeneutical-Phenomenological Study of Religious Patients' Experiences, Jonathan Ahern (Fall 2011)
Graduate Recital, Trumpet, Kenton Bandy ( 2011)
Comparison of the level of career development between beginning, practicum, and graduating counselor education students, Jennifer Lynn Barch (Summer 2011)
Federal Drug Sentencing: An Evaluation of the Consistency, Proportionality, and Fairness within Cases, Lindsay Barron ( 2011)
The Relationship Between Academic Achievement and Economic Level at Selected High Schools in Western Pennsylvania and Their Impact on the Degree and Success of Parental Inovlvement Strategies, Harry Bauman (Fall 2011)
An Evaluation of the Dangerous Choices I program for female high school students, Aida Bazarkulova (Spring 2011)
Graduate Recital, Trumpet, Robert Beasley (Spring 2011)
The Changing Nature of Punishment: From Theology to Reform Ideology and Gallows to Penitentiaries, New England, 1674-1837, Daniel Belczak (Spring 2011)
Does a Keyword Mnemonics Intervention Have an Effect on the Components of the Working Memory System?, Jessica L. Blasik (Summer 2011)
Logic, Thought, and the Unconditioned: An Essay on Kant and Hegel, Clayton G. Bohnet (Fall 2011)
Purification and Characterization of Blue and Green Chromoprotein Pigments from the Integument of Male Darters in the Genus Etheostoma, Katelyn Boone ( 2011)
Graduate Recital, Piano, Minkyung Theresa Cho (Spring 2011)
The Application of Melatonin and Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Development of a Bioactive Calcium Aluminate Bone Regenerative Scaffold, William Clafshenkel (Fall 2011)
Graduate Recital, Voice, Patrick Clinage (Spring 2011)
A Phenomenology of Occupation-Based Hand Therapy, Donna Colaianni (Summer 2011)
Organizational Communication Through An Historic Lens: Social Responsibility, Diversity, and Inclusion, Linda Coleman (Spring 2011)
Interrelationships Among Elements of Formal Mentoring and the Dimensions of Organizational Socialization, John Connelly (Fall 2011)
Karen Horney's Three Character Styles [Neurotic Styles] as Responses to Early Maternal Deprivation and Unmanageable Rage: Three Illustrative Case Studies, Diana Cuello (Summer 2011)
A Lesbian Parented Family's Acceptance and Experiences in Family, Social, and Educational Systems: A Qualitative Case Study, Sarah Dalton ( 2011)
Therapist and Client Experience of Collaborative Assessment: A Qualitative Study, John Danna (Spring 2011)
The Lived Experience of K-12 Educators Who Practice Within An Acute Care Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital, William Davies (Summer 2011)
Linking Developmental Working Memory and Early Academic Skills, Janice Decker (Spring 2011)
The Relationships Among Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN), Processing Speed and Reading Fluency in Clinic Referred Children, John DeMann (Fall 2011)
A Comparative Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Commerical Banks: Case Studies from the United States and the United Kingdom, Emily DeMasi (Spring 2011)
A Comparative Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Commerical Banks: Case Studies from the United States and the United Kingdom, Emily DeMasi (Summer 2011)
The Perceived Usefulness of a Summary of Performance by Postsecondary Disability Service Providers, Rebecca de Vries (Fall 2011)
Molecular Analyses of Changes Induced in the Microbial Populations of Murine Colon After As(III) Exposure, Rishu Dheer (Summer 2011)
Assessing physical therapy outcomes for women with urinary incontinence, Jodi Dusi (Spring 2011)
Alumni Financial Donations, Life Cycle and Student Activities, Tim Ebersole (Spring 2011)
Development and Bioavailability/Bioequivalence of a Fixed-Dose Combination Antiretroviral Reconstitutable Suspension Intended for Pediatrics, Fredrick Esseku (Summer 2011)
Traces of Otherness in St. Thomas Aquinas' Theology of Grace, Michael Luiz Fagge (Spring 2011)
Application of Speciated Isotopes Dilution Mass Spectronmetry to the Assessment of Human Health and Toxic Exposure, Timothy Fahrenholz (Fall 2011)
Inter-Grade and Inter-Batch Variability of Pharmaceutical-Grade Sodium Alginate, Shao Fu (Fall 2011)
The Impact of Full Time Versus Adjunct/Part Time Faculty Status on Course Assessments by Hospitality Management Students, Daryl Georger (Summer 2011)
The Pursuit of Divinity: Religious Faith and Fear in Late Victorian Women's Poetry, Sharon Lee George (Spring 2011)
The Liturgical Theology of Aidan Kavanagh, OSB: Synthesis and Critique, Michelle Gilgannon (Fall 2011)
An Examination Of Reading And Mathematic Achievement Among Second Grade Students Who Have Received Instruction From Either Teachers Who Have Been Trained In Choice Theory/Reality Therapy Methods Or Teachers Who Have Not Been Trained, Jane Virginia Hale (Summer 2011)
Pain, Human Redemption, and Medicine: James Hinton's Theological Appropriation of Pain, Steven Hansen (Fall 2011)
The Domestic Church and the Post-Nuclear Family: A Theological Analysis and Critique, Corey Harris (Spring 2011)
Graduate Recital, Voice, Kimberly D. Hasara (Spring 2011)
Cultural Expressions, Meanings, Beliefs, and Practices of Mexican American Women During the Postpartum Period: An Ethnonursing Study, Valera Hascup (Spring 2011)
What is the Spirit Saying to the Churches? Toward a Contemporary Ecumenical Pneumatology, Eric Hendry (Spring 2011)
Graduate Recital, Flute, Deidre Huckabay (Spring 2011)
Three States of the Mind's Eye, Lindsay Huddleston (Spring 2011)
The Lived Experience of Mental Health Workers in a Residential Treatment Facility who Work with Multiply Traumatized Children and Self-Identify as Experiencing Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Satisfaction, Debra Hyatt-Burkhart (Spring 2011)
Adult Students' Perception of the Congruence of Hybrid Courses with Their Adult Learning Needs and Their Satisfaction, Rubina Iqbal (Fall 2011)
Providing Culturally Appropriate Services to Immigrant Children and Families Involved with the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Turan Jafarova (Spring 2011)
Design and Synthesis of Novel Benzimidazoles and Aminothiazoles as Small Molecule Inhibitors of CDK5/p25, Prashi Jain (Fall 2011)
p,p' DDE Regulated Gene Expression and Possible Mechanisms of Action in Breast Tumor, Nakpangi Johnson ( 2011)
"This Is Me Right Here": August Wilson and Pittsburgh's Hill District, Betina Jones ( 2011)
Kierkegaard's Ethics of Repetition: A Re-examining of the Ethical in the 1843 Authorship, Grant Julin (Summer 2011)
Graduate Recital, Trumpet, Oskar Karst (Spring 2011)
The Development and Construction of the Social and Clinical Assessment for Linking Eating Disturbances with Treatments (SCALED-->TX): A Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation, Jamie M. King (Spring 2011)
Hezbollah Operations in the Tri-Border Area of South America, Nicholas Kleck (Spring 2011)
We - For The Other: Solidarity as an Enactment of Ethical-Empathetic Subjectivity (An Analysis of the Philosophical Projects of Emmanuel Levinas and Edith Stein, and the Concept of Solidarity), Karen M. Kolano (Fall 2011)
Daily Nocturnal Melatonin Supplementation in Perimenopausal Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Melatonin on Bone Health and Quality of Life, Mary Kotlarczyk (Fall 2011)
Development of Topical Ophthalmic In Situ Gel-Forming Estradiol Delivery System Intended for the Prevention of Age-Related Cataracts, Udaya Kanth Kotreka (Summer 2011)
By Any Means Necessary: The Quandary the CIA Now Faces In Light of Employing Enhanced Interrogation Methods to Combat the War on Terror, Joshua Laufer (Spring 2011)
Structural Determinants for Inhibitor Recognition by the Dopamine Transporter, Yi Liu ( 2011)
Mediation and Middlemen Undone: The Demise of the Colonial Go-Between in Revolutionary New York, Jenna Lusk (Spring 2011)
The Contribution of Foundational New Testament Theological Themes to the Meaning of Basic Bioethics Principles, R. Dennis Macaleer (Fall 2011)
Graduate Recital, Bass Trombone, Jack Madden (Spring 2011)
Cyanate Formation Following 2-Chloroacrylonitrile Exposure and the Role of Cytochrome P-450, Paul Malichky (Spring 2011)
Worktime in the United States Steel Industry, 1870-1939, Jared Mansfield (Summer 2011)
The Narrative Subject and Place, Keith Martel (Fall 2011)
Measuring Prosocial Behavior Through the Implementation of a Violence Prevention Intervention, Erin Lindsey Martin ( 2011)