
Theses/Dissertations from 2005


The Effects of Parental Involvement Strategies on Elementary At-Risk Students' Oral Reading Accuracy Levels, Kenneth Leon Jenkins (Fall 2005)


Understanding the Culture Care Practices of Rural Immigrant Mexican Women, Catherine Archibald Johnson ( 2005)


Determinants of Organizational Commitment Among U.S. Workers, Richard Johns (Summer 2005)


Relationship between Student Attitude toward Learning Academics and Instructional Delivery Systems of Comprehensive Full-Time Career and Technical High Schools, Michael Jones ( 2005)


Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Longitudinal Frequency Data, Joseph Patrick Jordan (Summer 2005)


Middle School Teachers' Beliefs About How They Communicate Caring and Students' Perceptions of Their Teachers' Caring Behaviors, Cynthia D. Kainaroi (Spring 2005)


Continuity in the Absence of Declarative Memory in Patients with Moderate Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, Scott Frederick Kaper (Spring 2005)


The US Government-Sponsored Graduate-Level Exchange Programs: The Goals of the Major Stakeholders and the Students' Academic Interests, Ekaterina Kharlamova (Fall 2005)


Religiosity and Attitudes on Intimacy: Implications for the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in Central Uganda, Herbert Ssewagudde Kibuuka (Spring 2005)


The Perceptions of Beginning Counselor Education Candidates' Multicultural Knowledge and Awareness When Comparing Candidates Who Have Successfully Completed Instruction in Multicultural Counseling with Candidates Who Have Not Completed Instruction in Multicultural Counseling, Evelyn H. Kitchens-Stephens (Fall 2005)

Convergences and Conflicts in a Comparison of Lwo Marriage Tradition and Contemporary Catholic Understanding of Marriage, William Komakech (Fall 2005)


Kidney Development in Eleutherodactylus coqui With Relation to Edema Syndrome, Seung Yun Lee ( 2005)

Individual Case Studies of Two Childhood Cancer Survivors’ Journeys: Their Perspectives of Coping with Childhood Cancer in an Academic Setting, Angela Macci-Bires (Summer 2005)


Whither Color-Blind Love? A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Love in Black and White, Brian A. McElwain (Fall 2005)

Learning Disabilities: Miscreant Brains, Pupils, and Practices, Robert Garfield McInerney (Fall 2005)


The Impact of Anger Management Training on Students of Skills for Managing Anger, Kristin Lynn Mitchell ( 2005)


Effects of Emotional Intelligence Training on Incarcerated Adult Males Involved in Pre-Release Programming, Holly Moore ( 2005)

Phenomenological Distance in Interpersonal Relationships, Laurie J. Moroco (Fall 2005)


Kaleidoscope Catechesis: Critique and Response to Missionary Catechesis in Africa with Particular Reference to the Diocese of Wa in Ghana, Anthony Y. Naaeke (Spring 2005)


A Qualitative Study of the Professional Development Impact of National Board Certification, Donna Newcomer ( 2005)


Financial System in Economic Development: The Nature and Role of a Robust Financial System in the Economic Transformation of Uganda, Frederick Leo Nkwasibwe (Summer 2005)

Play and Language in Gadamer: An Ontological Interpretation of Nuptial Union, Felix Owino (Spring 2005)


Building Information Communication Technology Infrastructures for Economic Development, Domenico Palombo (Spring 2005)


Edith Stein: Toward an Ethic of Relationship and Responsibility, Judith Parsons (Fall 2005)


The Role of Histidine-Rich Proteins in the Biomineralization of Hemozoin, Lisa Pasierb (Fall 2005)


A Qualitative Analysis of Parent Observations of Children Diagnosed with a Developmental Speech Delay, Diana Patrick (Summer 2005)

The Comparative Biochemistry of Darter Chromoprotein Pigments, Richard Pearsall II (Fall 2005)


The Relationship of Burnout to Contextual Work Factors for Rural Community Mental Health Counselors, Antoinette Petrazzi-Woods (Summer 2005)

"A Spot of Misrule in the General Order": Representations of Mothering in the Novels of Mrs. Humphry Ward, Kathryn Pivak (Fall 2005)

"A Spot of Misrule in the General Order": Representations of Mothering in the Novels of Mrs. Humphry Ward, Kathryn Pivak (Fall 2005)


Structural and Functional Modifications of Human Serum Albumin by Lipid Peroxidation By-Products, Amy Pollock (Spring 2005)

The Politics of Felon Disenfranchisement, Trisha Prasnikar (Summer 2005)


Arr Genes from Arsenate-Reducing Low G+C Gram Positive Bacteria Bacillus selenitireducens strain MLS10 and Clostridium sp. strain OhILAs, Mrunalini Ranganathan (Summer 2005)


A Case Study of the Impact of Zero-Based Staffing and the Teacher Selection Process in the Improvement of Academic Success Indicators in an Underachieving Elementary School in Maryland, David Reeder (Fall 2005)


The Role of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1244 Pilin Glycan in Virulence, Jennifer Roguskie (Summer 2005)

The Principle of Subsidiarity, Catholic Social Thought, and the Relationship Between Cuba and the United States, David Roncolato (Spring 2005)


HIV/AIDS Education in the Public High Schools of Three Counties in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Timothy Sheets (Summer 2005)


Expresson of the Endodermal Marker, EcSox17, During Embryogenesis of the Direct Developing Frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui, Srikanth Singamsetty ( 2005)


A comparison of decontextualized and contextualized reading skills in persons with severe aphasia, Carey Smith ( 2005)


Promoting the Health Needs of Homeless Women Residing in an Urban Community: A Participatory Action Research Study, Shirley Smith ( 2005)

A Comparison of the Perceived Multicultural Counseling Awareness, Knowledge and Skills of Counselor Educators Who Have Received Formal Training in Multicultural Counseling to Counselor Educators Who Have Not Received Formal Training, Shon Smith (Summer 2005)


Electronic String Quartet #1, Theodore Smoker (Spring 2005)


A Comparison of the Perceptions of the Importance of Supervision Skills and Training Between Formally Trained Supervisors and Non-Formally Trained Supervisors in a Children and Adolescent Service System Program, Jeffrey Spencer ( 2005)


Primary fatty acid amides in mammalian tissues: Isolation and analysis by HPTLC and SPE in conjunction with GC/MS, Tamanna Sultana (Spring 2005)

Nurturing as a Means of Helping at-Risk Populations and Educators Who Serve Them, Arthur Sutton (Summer 2005)


Healing violence in South Africa: A textual reading of Kentridge's 'Drawings for Projection', Vanessa Thompson ( 2005)


The Self-Reported Multicultural Sports Counseling Competencies Among Professional School Counselors and Play It Smart Academic Coaches, Taunya Tinsley (Fall 2005)


Structural Determinants for Substrate and Inhibitor Recognition by the Dopamine Transporter, Okechukwu T. Ukairo (Fall 2005)


Moments of Seeing: Woolf, Lewis, and Modernist Exteriority, Timothy Vincent (Fall 2005)


Migrant Mobilization: Factors Contributing to the Success of the Coalition of Immokaleee Workers, Jane Walsh ( 2005)


Recasting Hegel's Ethical Theory, Theresa Wambui (Spring 2005)


Childhood Fire-Setting: A Contextual Understanding, Andrew Ward ( 2005)

Engaging the Musical Mind: Promoting the Value of Music Theory and Analysis Toward Authentic Interpretation and Performance of Selected Works of Francisco Tarrega, Ian Wardenski (Spring 2005)


Generic and Professional Health Care Beliefs, Expressions and Practices of Syrian Muslims Living in the Midwestern United States, Hiba Wehbe-Alamah (Fall 2005)


Error Bounds Between the Minimum Distance Energy of an Equilateral Knot and the Mobius Energy of an Inscribed Smooth Knot, Joseph Worthington (Summer 2005)


Whiteness and the Return of the "Black Body", George Yancy (Fall 2005)

Theses/Dissertations from 2004

The Impact of Catholic Social Thought and Capitalism on the Social and Economic Development of Nigeria: The Role of Nigerian Culture in the Persistence of Poverty, Emmanuel Agbakwuru (Fall 2004)


Case Study: Nicosia Master Plan; Cooperation in the Midst of Conflict, Doga Akinci (Spring 2004)


Analysis of Factors that Influence Member Turnover in a Health Insurance Plan, Sara Bennett (Spring 2004)


From Virtue to Sympathy: Perspectives in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century British Literature on the Disintegration of the Social Bond, Andrea Beranek (Spring 2004)


Analysis of Specific Cis-acting DNA Sequences of the Himar1 mariner Transposon, Beth Berta (Spring 2004)


Faith-Based Organizing and Partnerships in a Pittsburgh Neighborhood: A Look at East Liberty, Damon Bethea (Spring 2004)


The Self-perceptions of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Patricia Bitar (Spring 2004)


A Proposed Algorithm Toward Uniform-distribution Monotone DNF Learning, Wenzhu Bi (Summer 2004)


Reflections on Teaching in a Catholic High School: A Qualitative Case Study, Daniel Blout (Spring 2004)


A Piecewise Linear Generalized Poisson Regression Approach to Modeling Longitudinal Frequency Data, Jennifer Borgesi (Spring 2004)

The Emergence of the Rakish Character in Seventeenth-Century English Literature, Julia Bowen (Spring 2004)

Being-in-the-Web: A Philosophical Investigation of Digital Existence in the Virtual Age, Diane Bowser (Fall 2004)


The Regulation of GIT1 Transcription in Response to Nutritional Factors, Wei Cheng (Summer 2004)


Post-Conciliar Models of Sin and Reconciliation: Towards a Contemporary Paradigm, James Cross (Spring 2004)

Desistance From Crime: A Study of Ex-Inmates' Desistance Narratives, William Culley (Spring 2004)


From philosophy to practice: A hermeneutic analysis of existential-phenomenological psychotherapy, David Danto ( 2004)


Connections between gendered constructions and women's lived experiences in light of feminist awareness: An empirical hermeneutic study, Erin Danto ( 2004)


Comparing Perceptions of Effective Characteristics of Middle School Advisors from Administrators, Teachers, and Students, Kevin Deitrick (Fall 2004)


Duquesne University IDPEL Cohorts: A Laboratory for Leadership?, Phillip Diller (Fall 2004)


Mourning, Evil and Grace: A Hermeneutical-Phenomenological Approach, James Dubose ( 2004)

Development of Near-IR Spectroscopic and Imaging Methods for Process Control of Pharmaceutical Powder Blending, Arwa S. El Hagrasy (Spring 2004)

Encountering Ourselves Through Photography: A Visual, Ethnomethodological Inquiry into Identity, Sonja Embree (Fall 2004)


A Historical Study of the Emergence of Social Movements: Case Study of the Sierra Leone Women's Forum in the 1990s, Agnes Mariama Farma (Spring 2004)


Internet Dwelling, Cyborgs, and the Matrix of Modernity: An Empirical Inquiry with Critical-Hermeneutic Features, Andrew Felder (Fall 2004)


Thinking Outside Pandora's Box: Now That the Idea of God Has Been Declared Dead, Has All Hope Been Lost for Philosophy and Humankind?, Mary Ann Fenicato (Fall 2004)

The Poetics of Childbearing: A Sociohistorical Hermeneutic and Phenomenological Study of Pregnancy and Childbirth, Stacy Giguere (Spring 2004)


The Impact of Traditional Shona Beliefs on HIV/AIDS Intervention Work in Zimbabwe, Brian Goercke (Summer 2004)

Neurosis and Fantasy: Lacanian Theory and Case Conceptualization Through Three Case Studies, Yael Goldman (Spring 2004)

Integrating Deleuze and Guattari's Theory of Difference Into the Practice of Object Relations Therapy, Amy Goodson (Spring 2004)

Is the Creation of a Kosovar Military a "Wicked Problem"?, Violeta Hamidi (Fall 2004)


Effectiveness of Staged Partner Training on Conversational Interactions Involving a Person with Severe Aphasia, Kelly M. Hanna (Summer 2004)


The importance of CMOS sensor surface topography in the attachment, proliferation, and differentiation of human adult mesenchymal stem cells, Christa Y. Heyward (Summer 2004)

Struggling with Location: A Collaborative Qualitative Study of Multicultural Counseling Competence in U.S. Psychology, Jenny Hwang (Fall 2004)


A Study of the Principle of Subsidiarity in Catholic Social Thought: Implications for Social Justice and Civil Society in Nigeria, Simeon Iber (Fall 2004)


Application of Symphonology Theory in Patient Decision-Making: Triangulation of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Margaret Irwin ( 2004)


Environmental Equity: Gradient Measures of Race and Social Class in the Areas Surrounding Pennsylvania Superfund Sites, Mark A. Jablonski (Summer 2004)


Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1244 Pilin Glycan: Surface Location and Induction of Immune Response, Erica Sentgeorge Jewell (Summer 2004)

Figuring Zarathustra, Paul D. Kinsman (Spring 2004)


Using Vignettes to Develop Higher-Order Thinking and Academic Achievement in Adult Learners in an Online Environment, Maria Helen Zanoni Kish (Spring 2004)


Experiences of Pain in Elderly Patients Having Total Knee Arthroplasty, Catherine Kleiner (Fall 2004)


A Comparison of the Perceptions of the Importance of Formal Supervision Training Between Formally Trained Counselor Supervisors and Non-Formally Trained Counselor Supervisors, Maura Krushinski (Fall 2004)


An analysis of the use of web-based instruction in the Physical Education and related Departments in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Joanne Leight (Fall 2004)


Assessing the Frequency and Influences of Secondary Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Crisis Intervention Workers, Mark F. Lepore (Summer 2004)


Measuring Educational Gains and Setting Consequences: Charter Schooling and the No Child Left Behind Policy, Erin Lyttle (Fall 2004)