
Theses/Dissertations from 2009


A Unity of Contraries: Dorothy Day and the 'No-Alibi' Rhetoric of Defiance and Devotion, Catherine Carr Fitzwilliams (Summer 2009)


Public School Board Governance Practices in Western Pennsylvania and AYP Scores; Is There a Relationship?, Kyle William Foust (Fall 2009)


Rage From Within the Machine: Protest Music, Social Justice, and Educational Reform, a Collective Case Study, John A. Giancola Jr. (Fall 2009)


A Case Study on the Barbara L. Jackson Scholars Mentoring Program and its Role in the Doctoral Preparation of Jackson Scholars for the Professoriate in Educational Administration at Predominately White Institutions, Cosette M. Grant (Spring 2009)


Neuropsychological Deficits in Adolescents with Psychopathic Characteristics: Callous and Unemotional Symptoms, Tara Greene (Summer 2009)


The Characteristics and Functions of Humor in Psychotherapy: A Qualitative Study, Joshua Gregson (Fall 2009)

The Impact of Combat Trauma on Veterans' Family Members: A Qualitative Study, Jackie Grimesey (Spring 2009)


Principles for Developing Inculturated Theology in the Diverse African Context: Steps beyond Traditional Heritages, Jane Catherine Hagaba (Fall 2009)


Graduate Recital, Saxophone, Colette Hall ( 2009)


Roses that Grew from the Concrete: A Critical Investigation of the Intersection of Race and Gender on the Lived Experiences of African American Male Senior Student Affairs Officers at Predominately White Institutions, Rahmon S. Hart (Spring 2009)


Do Benchmark Assessments Increase Student Achievement on State Standardized Tests?, Patrick Hefflin (Summer 2009)


Counselor Trainee Perceived Supervisory Effectiveness: An Investigation of Counselor Trainee Cognitive Style and Supervisor Supervisory Style, Melinda Jean Heher (Fall 2009)


Rethinking Death and Donation: Mediating Death at the End of Life in the Wake of Brain Death's Failings, David Scott Henderson (Summer 2009)


Evaluation of PilO Substrate Specificity Using Normally Non-Glycosylated Proteins in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Matthew A. Henkel (Spring 2009)


Imag(in)ing Neuro-Psychology: A Multi-Perspectival, Critical, Autoethnographic Study, Kristen Hennessy (Summer 2009)


The Innermost Point, David Hidek (Fall 2009)

Bridges and Borders: An Autoethnographic Account of the Confluence of Borderline Pathology, Countertransference, and Therapist Subjectivity, Kimberly S. Hodge (Spring 2009)


The Application of Bernard Lonergan's Theory of Conversion to the Three Main Characters in Susan Howatch's Novels of the Starbridge Series, Teresa Hunt ( 2009)


The Experiences of Japanese Men during the Transition to Fatherhood, Hiroko Iwata (Fall 2009)


Oil and Paper: Ownership, Economic Development, and Iraq's 2007 Draft Oil and Gas Law, Peter Jackson ( 2009)


From Forfeited Agency to Communities of Hope: Reinventing Ethos through Narratives of Remembering and Forgetting, Linda Janus (Fall 2009)


Modulation of Dendritic Cells with the Interleukin-10 Gene on Polycation-Modified Polymeric Particles, Liang Jia (Fall 2009)


The Editor, the Preface, and the Eighteenth-Century Edition: A Critical Bibliographic Study, Jessica Jost-Costanzo (Fall 2009)


Human Development as Integral Development: The Social Teaching of the Church in an African Context, Joseph Kariuki Kamau (Fall 2009)


Slaying the Dragon: An Analysis on How to Dismantle Terrorist Organizations, Caroline Kelly ( 2009)


High School Graduates Report on Reform Efforts in Their High School Senior Year, Wayde Killmeyer (Fall 2009)


A Study of the Relationship between CBT Developers' Multiple Intelligences Dispositions and the Design of Computer-based Training, Nancy King (Summer 2009)


The Identification and Characterization of Estrogen Receptors in the Mouse and Human Lens and Their Role in Cataract Development, Mary Rachel Kirker (Fall 2009)


The Architecture of the Great House in the Contemporary Postcolonial Novel, Julie Kloo (Fall 2009)


Teacher Education and Technology Integration: How Do Preservice Teachers Perceive Their Readiness to Infuse Technology into the Learning Environment?, Anne Koch ( 2009)


The Lived-Experiences of Clinical Supervisors in Rural Mental Health Settings, Lauren Kuhn ( 2009)


A School for Our Children: A Case Study of a School Closing the Student Achievement Gap, Monica Diane Lamar (Spring 2009)


A Study of the Development of Leadership Skills of Duquesne University IDPEL Cohort Members as Measured by the Strategic Leadership Selection Interview, Michael A. Latusek (Summer 2009)


Synthesis and Physicochemical Characterization of Diamond-Like Semiconductors and Intermetallic Compounds Using High Temperature Solid-State Synthesis, Polychalcogenide Flux Synthesis and the Solid-State Microwave Synthetic Method, Jonathan Lekse (Fall 2009)


Parental Involvement with Special Needs Children in A Rural School District, Mary Elizabeth Lenda (Summer 2009)


The Influence of Heel Height on Sagittal Plane Knee Kinematics during Landing Tasks in Recreationally Active Collegiate Females, Kelly Lindenberg (Fall 2009)


Use of the Electronic Health Record in Private Medical Practices, Archish Maharaja ( 2009)


An "Island" Study Abroad Program and Its Impact on the Intercultural Sensitivity and Cross-Cultural Adaptability of Its Participants: Perspectives from a Research Intensive University, Gita Maharaja ( 2009)

The Contributions of the Narrative Paradigm to Examining Prophetic Rhetoric, Kristen Majocha (Spring 2009)


Examining the Association between Depressive Symptoms and Performance on Executive Function Measures in Children, Hillary A. Mangis (Fall 2009)


Substantive Representation of Women and its Consequences: The Passage of a Gender-Based-Violence Law in Rwanda, Joan Marshall ( 2009)


A Determination of the Essential Outcomes for Higher Education Supply Chain Management Program Success, John R. Mawhinney (Summer 2009)


Recovering a Classically Oral Homiletic, Dave T. McClellan (Spring 2009)

Human Cloning: An Ethical and Theological Approach, Thomas A. McCune (Spring 2009)


Presence and Voice: Understanding the Tensions over the American Church's Relationship to Its Culture through the Writings of Origen, Chrysostom and Augustine, Henry Curtis McDaniel (Fall 2009)

Crisis Communication: Interpretation and Identity, Amanda Grace McKendree (Fall 2009)


"An Insect View of its Plain": Nature and Insects in Thoreau, Dickinson, and Muir, Rosemary S. McTier (Spring 2009)


Augustine's Analogy between the Spirit in the Church and the Soul in the Body and Its Implications for Communion Ecclesiology, Gabriel Mendy (Fall 2009)


On Whether Or Not Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Lived Body Experience Can Enrich St. Thomas Aquinas's Integral Anthropology, Joshua Miller ( 2009)


Emotion Knowledge and Relational Aggression in Preschoolers, Karen Morine (Spring 2009)


Retrospective Analysis of a Breast Health Program on Routine Annual Mammography in Low-Income, Uninsured Women, Theresa Morrison ( 2009)

'The Blessed of the Earth': Trauma, Transformation, and the Near-Death Experience in Contemporary Ethnic American Women's Novels, Jessica Chainer Nowacki (Summer 2009)


Preparation and Characterization Of Oil-in-water Nano-emulsions Of Trifluoperazine For Parenteral Drug Delivery, Toluwalope Onadeko (Spring 2009)


Employability Skill Acquisition of Career and Technical Education Students, Michele Marie Orner (Spring 2009)


The Lived Experience of the African American Pregnancy that Ends in Preterm Birth, Clarise Hairston Ottley (Fall 2009)


The Effects of a Discourse Community Model on Promoting Intentional Conceptual Change to Increase Understanding of School Climate and Its Importance, David Parker (Spring 2009)


The Efficacy of Treating Adolescent Depression with Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents(IPT-A) in the School Setting, Steven Pasquinelli (Spring 2009)


Bringing the Real World into the Classroom: Career Change Business Educators and the Pedagogies of Engagement, Bonnie Pazin (Fall 2009)


Sprache als Be-wëgen: The Unfolding of Language and Being in Heidegger's Later Work, 1949-1976, Douglas F. Peduti (Fall 2009)


A Finite Element Approach to Model Electromagnetic Fields Scattered by a Buried Cavity, Nicole Pernischova (Fall 2009)

Corporate Philanthropy: Toward a Magnanimous Rhetoric, Jeanne Persuit (Fall 2009)


New Conceptual Understanding of Lewis Acidity, Coordinate Covalent Bonding, and Catalysis, Joshua A. Plumley (Summer 2009)


Problem Definition and Hypothesis Generation by Recent Family Nurse Practitioner Graduates, Kerry Risco (Fall 2009)


The Effects of the Learning-Focused Schools Model on Student Achievement in Math and Reading and Teachers' Perceptions of the Model, Wendy L. Royer (Spring 2009)


The Role and Function of Literacy in Two Homeschooling Families, Kevin Rua (Fall 2009)


Mental Health Care at the Margins: A Critical Ethnography of Psychological Practice in an Inner City Mental Health Setting, Katy Sampson (Fall 2009)


The Effect of Participating in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support on Academic Performance and Number of Office Discipline Referrals, Nadine Sanders (Summer 2009)

It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know: An Examination of the Role of Social Capital has on the Experiences of African American Males during Their First Semester of College, Tamara Sanders-Woods (Spring 2009)


Sparse and Redundant Image Representations Using Adaptive Dictionaries in Digital Image Denoising, Teresa Sano (Summer 2009)


An Empirical Study of the Influence of Social Networking on the Transfer of Tacit Knowledge and Job Performance, Mark Schur (Fall 2009)


The Relationship between Spirituality and Authentic Leadership Behaviors of Public School Superintendents, Allen M. Sell (Summer 2009)


Uncovering the Roots of the Crucified God: How Walter Brueggemann's Old Testament Theology Challenges and Contributes to Jürgen Moltmann's and Jon Sobrino's Interpretations of the Cross, Patricia A. Sharbaugh (Spring 2009)


Examining Teacher Collaboration in a Kindergarten Building: A Case Study, Wesley Shipley (Spring 2009)


Applying Mechanistic Understanding of Optical Absorption and Scattering Phenomena to Enhance the Spectroscopic Analyses of Pharmaceutical Materials, Zhenqi Shi (Spring 2009)


Performance-Based Quality Specifications: The Link between Product Development and Clinical Outcomes, Steven Short (Fall 2009)


They've Come a Long Way since P.L. 94-142: Standards-based Instruction and Its Impact on Increasing School Attendance Rates for Students with Disabilities, Lywinda Anne Siegler (Summer 2009)


Role of Thyroid Hormone in the Intestinal Development of Eleutherodactylus coqui, Srikanth Singamsetty ( 2009)


Examination of the Reliability and Validity of the Triage Assessment Form: Families, Leslie Slagel (Fall 2009)


A No Free Lunch Result for Optimization and Its Implications, Marisa Smith ( 2009)


What is the Relationship Between Quality of Life and Coping Strategies of Adults with Celiac Disease Adhering to a Gluten Free Diet?, Melissa Smith ( 2009)


Clients' Experience of Effective Psychoanalytic-Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Major Depression: An Empirical Phenomenological Study, Thomas Smith ( 2009)


Saving the "Slaves of Kings and Priests": The United States, Manifest Destiny, and the Rhetoric of Anti-Catholicism, Michael Solomon (Spring 2009)


An Examination of the Factors Underlying the Motivation and Learning Strategies of Generation 1.5 Korean American Students, Rosa Cho Stoffa (Fall 2009)


The Occurrence of Maltreatment and Depression among Adjudicated Adolescent Sexual Offenders with High Functioning Autism or Asperger's Disorder, Jessica Bleil Walters (Fall 2009)


Expressing the Inexpressible: Bearing Witness in Jean-François Lyotard and Pseudo-Dionysius, Mélanie V. Walton (Fall 2009)


Molecular Mechanisms of TRAF6 Ubiquitination and Activation, Zhi Qiang Kent Wang ( 2009)


Near-Infrared Analysis and Process Control of Pharmaceutical Pelletization Processes, David J. Wargo (Fall 2009)


Transitions in the Mental Health Field's System of Professions from WWII until the Present: The Case of Dubville, Daniel Noam Warner (Summer 2009)


Public Memory: How Vietnam Veterans are using Technology to Make Private Memory Public, Dennis Woytek (Spring 2009)

Algorithm for Learning from a Random Walk Oracle, Xiaolin Yang (Summer 2009)


Design and Synthesis of Benzimidazoles as CDK5 Inhibitors and Progress toward the Total Synthesis of Tubulysin D, Shuyan Yi (Spring 2009)


A Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Analysis of Experimental Infant Research, James L. Yu (Fall 2009)


Cultural and Intellectual Responses to the Black Death, Brian David Yurochko (Fall 2009)


The Impact of Early Childhood Education Upon the Black-White Achievement Gap, Linda Zane (Fall 2009)

Synthesis of Pyrrolo[2,3-d]Pytimidines and Pytimido[4,5-b]Indoles as Inhibitors of Multiple Receptor Tyrosine Kinases, Folate Metabolizing Enzymes and Tubulin, Nilesh Zaware (Fall 2009)


TRPV1 mRNA is Differentially Expressed in Different Vertebral Levels of Rat Dorsal Root Ganglia Following Sciatic Nerve Injury, Bree Zeyzus Johns ( 2009)

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


An Examination of the Use of Digital Historical Resources for the Teaching of the Civil War in South Central Pennsylvania Public Schools, James R. Beeghley (Fall 2008)


The Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitor (p-O-Sulfamoyl) - Tetradecanoyl Tyramine (DU-14) Enhances Memory Retention in Passive Avoidance in Rats with Hippocampal Cholinergic Deficit, Phebian Arinola Abitoye (Spring 2008)

Logarithm, Joo Yi Ahn (Fall 2008)


The Perceptions of Taproot Teachers and Their Sustaining Force on a Year-Round Educational Program, Wilma Jean Allen (Summer 2008)