Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Self-Assembling Bioaffinity Hydrogels for Localized Antibody Delivery, Wen Liu (Summer 2018)
The Impact of Mother and Father Stress on Child Externalizing Behaviors, Allison McCobin (Summer 2018)
Effects of Natural Antioxidants on Motor and Cognitive Deficits in an Animal Model of Aging and Obesity and Dopaminergic-Like SH-SY5Y Cell Line, Sneha Potdar (Summer 2018)
The Effect of the Movie Time Social Learning Method on the Emotional Inferencing Skills in an Adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jenna Reade (Summer 2018)
The Psychology of Self-Surrender: A Contemplative-Hermeneutic Study, Danny Sharara (Summer 2018)
The Philosophical Heritage of Desire for God in Ibn Ṭufayl’s Ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān, Bethany Somma (Summer 2018)
Re-Queering the Trans Binary: Gender Nonconforming Individuals’ Experiences in Counseling and Therapeutic Settings, Michael Stephens (Summer 2018)
Structure and Thermodynamics of Polyglutamine Peptides and Amyloid Fibrils via Metadynamics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Riley Workman (Summer 2018)
The Myth of Promiscuity: Examining Black Male Sexual Narratives and Sexual Identity, Seth Young (Summer 2018)
Macromolecule Loading on PLGA Particles through Surface Adsorption, Yiwei Wang (Summer 2018)
The Association Between Medication Adherence in Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder Relapse in Patients with Dual Diagnosis, Tyler Dunn (Spring 2018)
Environmental Assessment of Road Brining and Injection Wells for Disposal of Oil and Gas Liquid Waste, Marissa Madia (Spring 2018)
A Qualitative Study of Counseling Students’ Attitudes Toward the Use of Medication Assisted Treatments with Opioid Dependent Clients, Bethany L. Ackerman (Spring 2018)
A Theological Analysis of Confessional-Centric Curriculum of Christian Religious Education: Towards an Inclusive Religious Pluralistic Centered Curriculum for Nigeria Colleges of Education, Ilesanmi Ajibola (Spring 2018)
Designing A Calibration Set in Spectral Space for Efficient Development of An NIR Method For Tablet Analysis, Md Anik Alam (Spring 2018)
The Effect of a Mindfulness Intervention on the Depression Symptoms of Mothers in Treatment for an Opioid Use Disorder, Karen Alexander (Spring 2018)
Life Satisfaction Typologies among Roman Catholic Secular Clergy: A Q Methodological Investigation, Raju Antony (Spring 2018)
On Hypothetical Contracts, Karim Barakat (Spring 2018)
Re-Evaluating Performance Measurement: New Mathematical Methods to Address Common Performance Measurement Challenges, Jordan David Benis (Spring 2018)
Key Components for an Ethics Consultation Curriculum, Joseph Bertino (Spring 2018)
The Word: Jacques Ellul's Dialogic Response To La Technique, Jeffrey S. Bogaczyk (Spring 2018)
Enhancing Quality Ethics Consultations in Pediatric Medicine, Ariel Clatty (Spring 2018)
Illuminating the Eighteenth-Century British Stage: Perfecting Performance through Education, Bethany Csomay (Spring 2018)
The Creative Feud of Andy Warhol: A Philosophy of Communication Ethics, Sarah DeIuliis (Spring 2018)
The Church as a Eucharistic and Prophetic Community in India: A Theological Exploration into the Challenges and Implications of a Eucharistic Ecclesiology Based on the Early Church and the Statements of the Indian Theological Association (ITA), Shibi Devasia (Spring 2018)
An Ethical Framework for Organizational Resource Allocation for Patient Services in Health Care, Natalie Dick (Spring 2018)
The Relationship Between Perceptions of Patient Safety Culture, Nurse Advocacy, and Nurse Sensitive Patient Outcomes, Margaret DiCuccio (Spring 2018)
A Computational Model of Team-based Dynamics in the Workplace: Assessing the Impact of Incentive-based Motivation on Productivity, Josef Di Pietrantonio (Spring 2018)
Effects of a Green Chemistry Laboratory Design on First- Semester General Chemistry Students' Transformative Experiences in Chemistry, Lurea Joan Doody (Spring 2018)
Using an Ethics of Care to Re-interpret Consent in the Management of Care for Addiction Disorders, DiAnn Ecret (Spring 2018)
The Contribution of Ethical Reasoning Skills in Forensic Science, Lyndsie Ferrara (Spring 2018)
The Rhetoric of the Opioid Crisis and Addiction to Prescription Pain Medicine, Rachel Kaplan (Spring 2018)
Synthesis of novel 5-substituted pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine antifolates as selective and potent anti-tumor agents, Mohammad Karim (Spring 2018)
A Narrative of Uncertain Intent: Communication Ethics Literacy and FBI Counterterrorism Practices, Hannah Karolak (Spring 2018)
The Logic of Sexuation in Deleuze and Lacan, Matthew Lovett (Spring 2018)
The Effect of Motivation on Student Persistence in Online Higher Education: A Phenomenological Study of How Adult Learners Experience Motivation in a Web-based Distance Learning Environment, Kevin Lucey (Spring 2018)
Understanding Lists: Umberto Eco's Rhetoric of Communication and Signification, Susan Mancino (Spring 2018)
An Ethical Framework For Communication of Prognosis in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Amanda Mattone (Spring 2018)
H. Odera Oruka and the Right to a Human Minimum: A Sagacious Quest for Global Justice, Michael Kamau Mburu (Spring 2018)
Jean-Luc Marion and Gianni Vattimo’s Contributions for the Postmodern Faith, Michael McGravey (Spring 2018)
Communication Ethics: Ellul's Complexity of Form, Marianne Pabis (Spring 2018)
American Myth and Ideologies of Straight White Masculinity in Men's Literary Self-Representations, Mary Parish (Spring 2018)
Comparison of Two Methods of Pediatric Triage Education, Catherine Recznik (Spring 2018)
Semantic Realism and Historicity: Brandom, Habermas and Hegel, Norman Schultz (Spring 2018)
An Ethics of Care Approach to Managing the Burden of Alzheimer's Disease, Carrie L. Stott (Spring 2018)
The Core Relation Between Hospitality (Philoxenia), Dignity and Vulnerability in Orthodox Christian Bioethics: A Contribution to Global Bioethics, Rabee Toumi (Spring 2018)
The Title, Laurent Turgeon-Dharmoo (Spring 2018)
Toward a New Reading of Cicero's De Finibus, Kelsey Ward (Spring 2018)
Jon Sobrino’s Liberation Christology and Its Implication for the “Crucified People” of the Niger Delta Region in Nigeria., Augustine Wayii (Spring 2018)
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Synthesis of 2,4,6-Substituted Pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines as Potential Anticancer Agents, Si Yang (Fall 2017)
On the Cover of The Rollin’ Stone: How Rolling Stone Magazine Frames Politics and News, Ashley Anne Walter (Spring 2017)
The Church in Dialogue with Other Religions in the Postmodern World: Reflecting Beyond Nostra Aetate., Daniel Aboagye Adjei (Fall 2017)
Determining the Specific Transition Needs of Military and Veteran Students (MVS), A Qualitative/Mixed Methods Study, Donald Accamando (Spring 2017)
Public Health Disasters: A Global Ethical Framework, Michael Olusegun Afolabi (Spring 2017)
Indirect Bullying and Conflict Management Skills in Childhood and Adolescence, Charles Albright (Fall 2017)
Cultural Care and Inviting Practices: Building Relationships in an Urban Elementary School. Teacher Perspectives in Forming Positive Teacher-Student Relationships Based on Care and Equity, Eva J. Allen (Summer 2017)
The Ethical Obligation for Disclosure of Medical Error in the Intensive Care Unit, Saleh A. Alnahdi (Spring 2017)
Self-Efficacy and the Interaction Model as Predictors of Student Satisfaction and Perceived Learning in Online Learning Environments, Emtinan Alqurashi (Fall 2017)
Altruism, Autonomy, and Human Dignity for the Sustainability of Post-Mortal Organ Donation, Aiyub Mohammad Fahad Alwehaibi (Spring 2017)
Text Based Analysis in the Undergraduate Classroom, Katelyn Antolik (Fall 2017)
Solidarity with the Vulnerable: Global Healthcare Ethics in Spiritan Perspective, Chike Anyigbo (Fall 2017)
An Ethical Framework for Global Governance for Health Research, Kiarash Aramesh (Spring 2017)
Culture Counts: Examining the Effectiveness of a Culturally Focused Empowerment Program For At-Risk Black Girls, Candice Nicole Aston (Summer 2017)
Outsourcing Our Memory 2.0: Using Walter Ong's Orality/Literacy Studies to Recognize Technologies Effects on Memory, Rishi Raj Bahl (Spring 2017)
Using Educational Data Mining Techniques to Analyze the Effect of Instructors’ LMS Tool Use Frequency on Student Learning and Achievement in Online Secondary Courses, Jonathan Barkand (Fall 2017)
Trauma and Aggression in Juvenile Offenders, Cassandra M. Berbary (Summer 2017)
Examining the Role of Ethnic Identity in the Relationship Between Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Eating Disorders, Ashley Bojorquez (Fall 2017)
A CACREP-Informed Counselor Educator Developmental Model: Identifying Counselor Skills and Supports Needed For Neophyte Counselor Educators, Ryan Bowers (Spring 2017)
Youth Bear Witness to Mentoring of the Black Church for College Readiness, Mary Louise Buckley (Summer 2017)
Universal Principles of Bioethics and Patient Rights in Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Abdulbasit Bukhari (Spring 2017)
Reading the Culture Wars in the New Academic Novel, 1984-Present, Ian Butcher (Fall 2017)
Occupational Profiles of At-Risk Youth: A Multi-Case Study, Abigail Catalano (Fall 2017)
Target Based Design And Synthesis of Heterocycles in the Potential Treatment of Cancer and Opportunistic Infection, Shruti Choudhary (Fall 2017)
Perceptions and Predictions with School Climate: Analyzing the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory, Danielle Cimorelli (Summer 2017)
The Decline and Recovery of Thermal Oxidative Stability of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Blends, Abigail Schoor Cohen (Fall 2017)
The First Life Journey of Many: The Lived Experience of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning Individuals Who Were Raised Within the Catholic Church on Their Coming Out Process, Michelle Colarusso (Fall 2017)
Refugee-Led Organizations and the Obstacles They Face: A Comparative Study of Syria Bright Future and the Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh, Priscila Elizabeth Cordoba Montoya (Summer 2017)
Quality of Care in Patients with Cirrhosis and Ascites, Hepatic Encephalopathy or Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis, Ankur Dashputre (Summer 2017)
Becoming a Priestly People: A Biblical Theology of Liturgical Sacrifice as Spiritual Formation, Ximena DeBroeck (Spring 2017)
An Investigation of a Peer Coaching Model on the Professional Learning and Teacher Self-Efficacy of Elementary Literacy Teachers, Amy M. Dellapenna (Summer 2017)
Emotions, Intuitions and Risk Perception in Critical Care, Oleksandr Dubov (Fall 2017)
"Unorthodox Conduct": Re-membering Queer Africa in Literature and Film, Matthew Patrick Durkin (Spring 2017)
The Challenge of Enhancement & Adaptability in Healthcare: An Ethical Framework for Organizations, Gary Edwards (Fall 2017)
An Ethical Argument for a Specific Model of Palliative Care in Nigeria, Dozie Egbe (Spring 2017)
The Lived Experience of Trauma Counselor Supervisors, Nancy N. Fair (Summer 2017)
Hospitality in Communication: Applying the Rule of Saint Benedict to the Home, Karen Fetter (Fall 2017)
Structure & Simulation: Growth and Evolution in Generative Music, Dane Filipczak (Spring 2017)
The neonatal anti-viral response fails to control measles virus spread in neurons despite interferon-gamma expression and a Th1-like cytokine profile, Priya Ganesan (Fall 2017)
The Normative Approach of the Catholic Tradition in the Ethical and Religious Directives for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Regarding Medical Technology, David G. Garvis (Fall 2017)
The Lived Experience of Individuals Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) While Residing in a Rural Region of Northern Appalachia, Renee Elizabeth Gilhousen (Spring 2017)
The Lived Experiences of School Counselors Participating in Yoga: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Self-Care, Susan Giovengo-Gurrera (Spring 2017)
Trauma-Focused Therapists’ Perceptions and Lived Experiences of Evidence-Based Practices (EBPS) when Delivering Sexual Trauma Interventions to Clients, Carlos Eduardo Golfetto (Summer 2017)
Retention and Attrition in Bariatric Surgery Research: A Qualitative Study, William F. Gourash (Summer 2017)
Relevant Versus Extraneous Music in Multimedia Instruction: A Study of the Coherence Principle, Jonathan Gunnell (Fall 2017)
The Relationship between Testing Frequency and Student Achievement in Eighth-Grade Mathematics: An International Comparative Study Based on TIMSS 2011, Ufuk Guven (Spring 2017)
Clients' experiences of recovery-oriented care for schizophrenia: A qualitative research study, Sarah A. Hamilton (Fall 2017)
The Complete Poems of Anne Bannerman, Matthew Heilman (Fall 2017)
Distribution Changes, Genetic Population Structure, and a Novel Environmental DNA (eDNA) Detection Method for Darters (Subgenus Nothonotus) in the Upper Ohio River Watershed, Anthony S. Honick (Summer 2017)
A Bioethics Tool for the Implementation of Global Principles by the Pharmaceutical Industry, Daniel J. Hurst (Fall 2017)