Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: A Discourse Analysis of Forensic and Psychological Truth in Child Narratives, Elizabeth Samson (Summer 2019)
ImPACT Baseline Composite Score Differences Among Student Athletes, Kerry Schutte (Summer 2019)
School Based Policies Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth, Amy Tiberi (Summer 2019)
Unruly Matter: Masculine Consumption in English Restoration Literature, Shawn Watkins (Summer 2019)
Dual Inhibition of the PI3K/Akt and MEK5/ERK5 Pathways for the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Thomas Douglas Wright (Summer 2019)
Theology of Arcavatara and the Eucharist: A Comparative Study, James Adeoye (Spring 2019)
Examining the Acculturation Experiences of Syrian Refugee Emerging Adults in the United States of America, Fatemah Alghamdi (Spring 2019)
The Ethical Challenge of Conflicts of Interest in Healthcare, Fahad Alhazmi (Spring 2019)
The Attitudes of Secondary School Teachers Regarding Inclusion of Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Al Jaffal (Spring 2019)
Public Health Policy: An Ethical Analysis of Quarantine, Dina Alqahtani (Spring 2019)
The Impact of 1:1 Technology Initiatives on Lesson Planning, Michael Amick (Spring 2019)
Role of the glycerophosphocholine acyltransferase, Gpc1, in phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis and remodeling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sanket Anaokar (Spring 2019)
Reshaping The Theology and Praxis of Inculturation through Interreligious Dialogue Between The Catholic Church and African Traditional Religion in Igboland, Nigeria, Cajetan Anyanwu (Spring 2019)
The Ethics of Occultic Communication: An Invocation of Joshua Gunn and Sissela Bok, James Thomas Begley Jr. (Spring 2019)
The Effects of Constructed Wetlands on metal Solubilization and Bioavailability in Passive Mine Remediation, Elizabeth Cochran (Spring 2019)
A Rhetoric and Philosophy of Interprofessional Healthcare Education: Communication Ethics in Action, Matthew Corr (Spring 2019)
Modeling and Prediction of Amorphous Solid Dispersion Formation Using a Molecular Descriptor, Kevin DeBoyace (Spring 2019)
The Development of Hybrid Process Control Systems For Fluidized Bed Pellet Coating Processes, Hanzhou Feng (Spring 2019)
Multifaith Families and their Narratives within Society, Josh Friedberg (Spring 2019)
Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction in Ohio: Regulations, Production and Water Quality, Brittany Garman (Spring 2019)
Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Growth of I2-II-IV-VI4 and I4-II-IV2-VI7 Diamond-Like Semiconductors with potential In IR-NLO Applications, Jennifer Glenn (Spring 2019)
Substance Use Helpers: An Exploration into the Relationship Between Professional Quality of Life and Posttraumatic Growth, Denise Haggerty (Spring 2019)
Exploring Maternal Factors Linked to Weight Status in Salvadorian Infants, Carmen M. Kiraly, Melanie Turk, Melissa Kalarchian, and Cheryl Shaffer (Spring 2019)
“I Do Have a Softer Side”: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Prisoner-Dog Relationship in the Canine Partners for Life Training Program, Kathleen Kocherzat (Spring 2019)
Exploring Ecological-Systems Barriers to Implementing a Recognized American School Counselor Association Model Program (RAMP), Kristi Kratsa (Spring 2019)
"Prejudice": The Impact on Dialogic Communication Ethics, Cyril Latzoo (Spring 2019)
The Lived Experience of Recovery Following Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS) for Head and Neck Cancer, Katharine Mahalik (Spring 2019)
The Dialectics of Cyberspace: Communication Ethics as First Response to Cyber Attacks, Matthew P. Mancino (Spring 2019)
Enhancing Access and Success of Underserved Students in Dual Enrollment Programs, Theodore Mbaegbu (Spring 2019)
The Effect of Functional Movement Control on Patient-Reported Outcomes in Individuals with Non-Arthritic Hip Pain, Ryan McGovern (Spring 2019)
Spiritual Struggle and Gregory of Nyssa’s Theory of Perpetual Ascent: An Orthodox Christian Virtue Ethic, Stephen M. Meawad (Spring 2019)
An Exploration of the Context and Ecclesiastical Investigations of the Virgin's Reported Appearance in Knock, Ireland in 1879, Erin Meikle (Spring 2019)
Privatio Dialogus: Toward a Phenomenology of Aloneness for the Philosophy of Communication, Timothy Michaels (Spring 2019)
"within the hollow crown": Performing Kingship in Richard II and Henry IV Part One, Angeline Morris (Spring 2019)
The Influence of Question Sequencing Using Formative Assessment in Introductory Statistics, Bryan Nelson (Spring 2019)
The Yips: A Phenomenological Investigation into the Experience of a Lost Movement, Patrick O'Brien (Spring 2019)
Unpresentable Members: The Theology and Radical Phenomenology of the Sexual Flesh, Justin Pearl (Spring 2019)
Unconventional Gas Extraction in Southwestern Pennsylvania: Complaints, Production, and Water Quality, Dannielle Pratt (Spring 2019)
Black Body Memory: A Philosophy of the Talk, Autumn Redcross (Spring 2019)
Water Quality Assessment of Deer Lakes County Park Before, During and After Unconventional Shale Gas Drilling, Daniel Robinson (Spring 2019)
Precision Medicine and It's Ethical and Social Implications: Public Health and Gobal Persepctives, Evangel Sarwar (Spring 2019)
The Postman Always Rings Twice: Neil Postman's Views on Education are Relevant Again in the 21st Century Classroom, Jennifer Spiegel (Spring 2019)
A Praxis of Oral Homiletics: Preaching from the Heart, Weiwen Tu (Spring 2019)
The Effects of Learning Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on Psychosocial Variables and HbA1c in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Denise Van Sant - Smith (Spring 2019)
Nontraditional hydrogen bonding in asymmetric Lewis acid catalysis, Brandon Vernier (Spring 2019)
Reclaiming Rhetorical Intersectionality: From Silence to Parrhesia and Attuned Listening, Tahirah Walker (Spring 2019)
When Humanity Meets Technology: Contemplating Neil Postman's Critique of Advertising, Yingwen Wang (Spring 2019)
An Ethical Analysis of Reproductive Justice in the Context of the Egenics Movement in the United States, Bernetta Welch (Spring 2019)
Video Games, Influence, and Identification: The Perpetuation of Culture Through Digital Worlds, Steven Zwier (Spring 2019)
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Identity Negotiation, Saudi Women, and the impact of the 2011 royal decree: An investigation of the cultural, religious, and societal shifts among women in the Saudi Arabian Public Sphere, Maha Alshoaibi (Fall 2018)
The Inheritance of this Moment: An Exploration of Temporality, Subjectivity, and Liberation in Non-Dual Contemplative Practice and Psychotherapy, Jeremy Axelrad (Fall 2018)
Four Phases of Subjectivity: A Rhetorical and Phenomenological Analysis of Aimé Césaire And Cahier D’un Retour Au Pays Natal, Chelsea Binnie (Fall 2018)
Well-Trained Mentors: The Missing Component of the Comprehensive New Teacher Induction Program in the Silver Oak Area School, Daniel Bosnic (Fall 2018)
Speaking from Places: A Phenomenological Deconstructive Study of Children’s Places, Child-Centric Methods, and Politics., Sugandh Dixit (Fall 2018)
Beyond Enlightenment: The Evolution of Agency and the Modularity of the Mind in a Post-Darwinian World, Derek Elliott (Fall 2018)
St. Augustine and the Rhetoric of De ordine, Natalie Gigliotti (Fall 2018)
The Association between Depression, Anxiety and Clinical Outcomes for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Elham Heidari (Fall 2018)
Parent-Teacher Relationships in Cyber Charter Schools: Investigating the quality of the Parent-Teacher Relationship and Its Impact on Student Achievement, Theresa Henderson (Fall 2018)
A Disability Theology of Limits for Responding to Moral Injury, Lisa Hickman (Fall 2018)
An exploratory survey of factors affecting satisfaction with educational experiences for parents of children with Cystic Fibrosis, Rebecca Perry Keenan (Fall 2018)
Externality in Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, Martin Krahn (Fall 2018)
Cyberbullying, Relational, and Social Aggression, Latitia Lattanzio (Fall 2018)
Characterization of G-protein coupled receptors in pain, depression and anxiety, Neil Lax (Fall 2018)
Tumble tOTs: Outcomes of a Gymnastics Program for Children with Disabilities, Cayla Leichtenberger (Fall 2018)
Synthesis of Novel 6-Substituted and 5-Substituted Pyrrolo[2,3-D] Pyrimidine Antifolates as Targeted Anticancer Therapies, Xinxin Li (Fall 2018)
The Influence of Age, Gender, and Thiol Repletion in an In Vivo Model of Lewy Body Disorders, DANIEL MASON (Fall 2018)
Independence through Patient Education in a Spinal Cord Injury Population, Justin McTish (Fall 2018)
An Ethical Model for Mandatory Reporting to Avoid Preventable Adverse Harm in Health Care, Kate A. Molchan (Fall 2018)
A Qualitative Inquiry into the Systemic Influences upon the Wellness of Home and Community Based Counselor, Elizabeth Moore (Fall 2018)
Pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine Classical Antifolates for Targeted Cancer Chemotherapy- Applications of Bioisosteric and Regioisomeric Substitutions for Improved Tumor-Selectivity and Potency, Manasa Punaha Ravindra (Fall 2018)
Community Pharmacists and Substance Use Disorders: Attitudes, Knowledge and Practices, Deepika Rao (Fall 2018)
Camp Geronimo: Evaluating the Influence of an Animal Assisted Intervention Based Summer Camp on Social Participation in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Joelle Ruggeri (Fall 2018)
Discarnation: Expounding on Marshall McLuhan's Critique of Modern Subjectivity, Amanda Sevilla (Fall 2018)
Health Equity Through Spatial Justice: A Critical Phenomenology of Urban Trail Makers, Arvin Simon (Fall 2018)
Using an In Vitro-In Vivo Correlation for the ‘Bioequivalence by Design’ Development of an Immediate Release Carbamazepine Product, Douglas Steinbach (Fall 2018)
Access to Care and the Use of Healthcare Services by Women in Rural Cameroon: A Participatory Action Research Study, Grace Tadzong-Awasum (Fall 2018)
Non-symbolic exact quantity representation in a language-impaired population, John Verbos (Fall 2018)
Probiotic Use in Trauma Patients: A Pathway to Determining the Standard of Care to Improve Outcomes, Heather Vitko (Fall 2018)
Take Charge for Therapy Discharge: Outcomes of a Patient Education Program Applying the CO-OP Approach, Kathryn Westley (Fall 2018)
Bullying of Linguistically Diverse Learners: Results from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Jenna Woodarek (Fall 2018)
Sensory-Based Programming in Mental Health: Sense of Self, Nikki Yeckel (Fall 2018)
Corporate Social Responsibility To-Come: A Derridean Interruption of Transparency, Robert Foschia (Fall 2018)
Examining the Legacy of Transgenerational Trauma and its Effects on Contemporary African American Adults in Parenting and Caregiver Roles to African American Adolescents, Amy E. Alexander (Summer 2018)
End-of-life Care Practices in Two Cultures: A Comparative Ethical Analysis and Recommendations, Nora Alharbi (Summer 2018)
Action to Awareness: Surfacing Dysconscious Racism through Focused Professional Development, Dorry Altman (Summer 2018)
Ultrasound Visual Biofeedback and Accent Modification: Effects on Consonant and Vowel Accuracy for Mandarin English Language Learners, Courtney Armstrong (Summer 2018)
Back in the Closet: A Queer-Modified Interpretive-Phenomenological Analysis of Gay Men Creating an Identity Through Clothing, Jose Arroyo (Summer 2018)
Paving the Way for Merleau-Ponty’s Eye and Mind in Organizational Communication Studies, Johan Bodaski (Summer 2018)
GQ noncanonical roles in translational regulation, Brett DeMarco (Summer 2018)
To the Effort Itself: A Phenomenological Study of Wang Yangming's 王陽明 Theory of Moral Effort, Minglai Dong (Summer 2018)
The Zombie Apocalypse Has Already Happened: Queering Subjectivity in Zombie Film, Jessica Dunn (Summer 2018)
Teacher Professional Development: The Impact of Delivery Structure, Student Physical Presence, and Technology-Enhanced Instruction, Rebecca Durbin (Summer 2018)
Building Resilience Through A Positive School Climate, Charles Fleischmann (Summer 2018)
Illuminating the Trauma of the Closet Among Sexual Minorities: A Cinematic-Phenomenological Study of Existential Rights, Nisha Gupta (Summer 2018)
Psychological and Family Variables Associated with the Treatment of Pediatric Idiopathic Pain, Rachael Hoffman (Summer 2018)
Workplace Bullying, Nurse Practice Environment, Patient Outcomes: A Descriptive Study, Noreen Houck (Summer 2018)
Wellness and Karate, Cristina Kumpf (Summer 2018)
Posttraumatic Growth: The Lived Experience of Recurrent and Multiple Trauma Survivors of Kenya’s Skirmishes, 2007 Post-election Violence, and 2009 National Level Oil Tanker Fire Explosion, Jane C. Lang'at (Summer 2018)
The Association of Prescription Opioid Exposure and Patient Factors with Prolonged Postoperative Opioid Use in Opioid Naive Patients, Jennifer Lanzillotta (Summer 2018)