Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Challenges to Reproductive Justice: An Ethical Analysis of Reproductive Technologies and Disparities, Courtney Brenner (Fall 2024)
The Ethics of Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization: A Comprehensive Analysis of Policies, Practice, and Ethical Oversight, Mariah Chobany (Winter 2024)
The Ethical Contributions of Nudges to Healthcare, Ian Doherty (Winter 2024)
From Policymaking to Legislation, The Need for a Secular Turn in Bioethics Discourse to Uphold, as a Function of the Greater Good, Policy for Legislation of Medically Aided Dying in the United States of America, Scott Dyer (Winter 2024)
The Ethical Connection Between Patient Care and Patient Safety, Caitlin Walsh (Spring 2024)
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Integration of Catholic Mission and Ethics in Contributing to a Good Death, Noah Dimas (Spring 2023)
The Contribution of Principlism to Foster Ethical and Clinical Reciprocity in Resolving Healthcare Dilemmas, Dominic Glorioso (Fall 2023)
The Ethics of Governance of Data Analytics in Healthcare, Andrew Harrington (Spring 2023)
The Normative Requirement for Shared Decision Making (SDM) in Healthcare Ethics, Margaret Nornor-Quadjie (Fall 2023)
The Ethical Contribution of Cultural Diversity as a Social Determinant of Health, Pooja Patel (Spring 2023)
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Redefining Safety: A Reproductive Justice Ethics of Care Approach to Maternal Health, Elizabeth Balskus (Fall 2022)
The Ethical Imperative of Inclusion in Healthcare Innovation: Scaling and Sustaining Digital Health Equity, Lukas E. Chandler (Fall 2022)
A Bioethics Critique of the Healthcare System in Nigeria: Personal Dignity and Human Solidarity, Cyprian Duru (Spring 2022)
The Contribution of Ethical Governance of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Healthcare, Tina Nguyen (Spring 2022)
Ethical Oversight of Roles & Relationships in Treatment & Research in Advanced Disease States, Alexa Vercelli (Summer 2022)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Ethical Justification of Extracorporeal Interval Support for Organ Retrieval (EISOR) within the Context of Donation after Circulatory Determination of Death (DCDD), Jude Anyaeche (Spring 2021)
A Public Health Ethics Approach to Substance Use Disorder, Adele Flaherty (Fall 2021)
Clash of Titans: An Ethical Framework Towards Limitations In Religious Accommodation Within Healthcare, Yoelit Lipinsky (Spring 2021)
An Ethical Foundation for Genetic Therapy and Gene Editing (CRISPR), Nikolija Lukich (Spring 2021)
Professional Ethics for College Health Services, Dessa Mrvos (Spring 2021)
Connecting Human Dignity, Non-Violence, and Environment for Healthcare Ethics in Nigeria, John Mark Ogu (Fall 2021)
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Quality in All Levels: A Model Defining and Measuring Quality in Bioethics Education, Ercan Avci (Spring 2020)
The Ethical Accountability of Organizational Leadership to Communities of Stakeholders in Healthcare, Lisa Martinelli (Fall 2020)
The Ethical Challenge for HIPAA’s Privacy Rule in the Genomics Era of Data Analytics., reem shinawi (Fall 2020)
The Contribution of a Global Ethics Approach to Health and the Environment in the Niger Delta Region, Augustine Wayii (Fall 2020)
A Bioethical Paradigm for Enhanced, Post or Transhumans in Medicine and Biological Research, Roderick Williams (Summer 2020)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Ethical Challenge of Conflicts of Interest in Healthcare, Fahad Alhazmi (Spring 2019)
Public Health Policy: An Ethical Analysis of Quarantine, Dina Alqahtani (Spring 2019)
The Ethical Justification of Increasing Awareness of Preventive Medicine among Healthcare Professionals, Patients and the General Public in the United States, Karishma Ether Moazzam (Fall 2019)
Precision Medicine and It's Ethical and Social Implications: Public Health and Gobal Persepctives, Evangel Sarwar (Spring 2019)
Natural Law, the Object of the Act, and Double Effect: Moral Methodology for Catholic Health Care Ethics, Travis Stephens (Fall 2019)
An Ethical Analysis of Reproductive Justice in the Context of the Egenics Movement in the United States, Bernetta Welch (Spring 2019)
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
End-of-life Care Practices in Two Cultures: A Comparative Ethical Analysis and Recommendations, Nora Alharbi (Summer 2018)
Key Components for an Ethics Consultation Curriculum, Joseph Bertino (Spring 2018)
Enhancing Quality Ethics Consultations in Pediatric Medicine, Ariel Clatty (Spring 2018)
An Ethical Framework for Organizational Resource Allocation for Patient Services in Health Care, Natalie Dick (Spring 2018)
Using an Ethics of Care to Re-interpret Consent in the Management of Care for Addiction Disorders, DiAnn Ecret (Spring 2018)
The Contribution of Ethical Reasoning Skills in Forensic Science, Lyndsie Ferrara (Spring 2018)
An Ethical Framework For Communication of Prognosis in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Amanda Mattone (Spring 2018)
An Ethical Model for Mandatory Reporting to Avoid Preventable Adverse Harm in Health Care, Kate A. Molchan (Fall 2018)
An Ethics of Care Approach to Managing the Burden of Alzheimer's Disease, Carrie L. Stott (Spring 2018)
The Core Relation Between Hospitality (Philoxenia), Dignity and Vulnerability in Orthodox Christian Bioethics: A Contribution to Global Bioethics, Rabee Toumi (Spring 2018)
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Public Health Disasters: A Global Ethical Framework, Michael Olusegun Afolabi (Spring 2017)
The Ethical Obligation for Disclosure of Medical Error in the Intensive Care Unit, Saleh A. Alnahdi (Spring 2017)
Altruism, Autonomy, and Human Dignity for the Sustainability of Post-Mortal Organ Donation, Aiyub Mohammad Fahad Alwehaibi (Spring 2017)
Solidarity with the Vulnerable: Global Healthcare Ethics in Spiritan Perspective, Chike Anyigbo (Fall 2017)
An Ethical Framework for Global Governance for Health Research, Kiarash Aramesh (Spring 2017)
Universal Principles of Bioethics and Patient Rights in Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Abdulbasit Bukhari (Spring 2017)
Emotions, Intuitions and Risk Perception in Critical Care, Oleksandr Dubov (Fall 2017)
The Challenge of Enhancement & Adaptability in Healthcare: An Ethical Framework for Organizations, Gary Edwards (Fall 2017)
An Ethical Argument for a Specific Model of Palliative Care in Nigeria, Dozie Egbe (Spring 2017)
The Normative Approach of the Catholic Tradition in the Ethical and Religious Directives for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Regarding Medical Technology, David G. Garvis (Fall 2017)
A Bioethics Tool for the Implementation of Global Principles by the Pharmaceutical Industry, Daniel J. Hurst (Fall 2017)
A Systems Approach to Moral Distress in Long Term Care, Margaret Lemley (Fall 2017)
The Ethics of Futility Across the Age Continuum, Katherine D. McCord (Spring 2017)
The Ethical Right to Healthcare in the Affordable Care Act, Stella Morden (Spring 2017)
Revamping the United States Organ Donation System: An Ethical Justification for Compensated Live Organ Donation, Jordan Potter (Spring 2017)
How Can the Use of Human Enhancement (HE) Technologies in the Military Be Ethically Assessed?, Philip Andrew Taraska (Spring 2017)
An Organizational Ethics Framework to Balance Individual Privacy and Population Interests Regarding Genetic Technologies, Christine Trani (Fall 2017)
Truth Telling Beyond Borders: An African Perspective, John Twinomujuni (Spring 2017)
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
How Can a Focus on the Ethical Notions of Dignity and Respect for Autonomy Help to Improve Healthcare for Elderly People in Islamic Countries?, Abeer Alamri (Summer 2016)
How Can a Focus on the Ethical Notions of Dignity and Respect for Autonomy Help to Improve Healthcare for Elderly People in Islamic Countries?, Abeer Alamri (Spring 2016)
The Ethical Justification of Extending Holistic Care to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Kaneen Bree Allen ( 2016)
The Social Obligation to Reduce Stigma in Order to Increase Utilization of Mental Health Services, Melissa Sue Berdell (Spring 2016)
Improving Patient Safety as a Function of Organizational Ethics in the Delivery of Healthcare in Saudi Arabia, Rasha M. Bokhari (Spring 2016)
The Neuroethical Case Against Cognitive Memory Manipulation, Peter Angelo DePergola II (Summer 2016)
The Ethical Analysis of the Connection between Hope and Fertility Preservation, Leah Jeunette (Fall 2016)
Adopting the UNESCO Ethics Model to Critique Disease Mongering, Barbara Postol (Spring 2016)
The Development of a New Model for Assessing African-American Spirituality in Palliative Care, John C. Welch (Spring 2016)
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Covenant Consent: A Revised Consent Model For Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation, James Benedict (Spring 2015)
Organizational Ethics for Sponsorship and Governance in Catholic Healthcare, Alex Garvey (Spring 2015)
A New Ethical Model for The Analysis of Care for Refugee Women Who Experience Female Genital Cutting, Sharon R. Higginbothan (Fall 2015)
Moral Courage: A Requirement for Ethical Decision Making in Nursing Home Leadership, Shelley Kobuck (Spring 2015)
An Enhanced Model for Parental Decision Making for Pediatric Care, Jillian Walsh (Spring 2015)
Rethinking Ethics Assessment in Health Technology Assessment: A Nonlinear Approach, Aimee Zellers (Spring 2015)
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
An Ethical Justification for Post-Trial Access to Anti-Retroviral Drugs for Participants and Host Populations in Developing Countries: A Global Justice Perspective, Evaristus Chiedu Obi (Fall 2014)
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Ethical Balance Between Individual and Population Health Interests To Effectively Manage Pandemics and Epidemics, John Mary Mooka Kamweri (Spring 2013)
A Revised Model for Informed Consent in Predictive Genetic Testing, Jessica L. Minor (Fall 2013)
The Contribution of African Traditional Medicine For a Model of Relational Autonomy in Informed Consent, Peter Ikechukwu Osuji (Spring 2013)
An Ethical Justification of Weight Loss Surgery, Amy Marie VanDyke (Spring 2013)
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Interpreting the Culture of Ubuntu: The Contribution of a Representative Indigenous African Ethics to Global Bioethics, Leonard T. Chuwa (Fall 2012)
The Ethical Significance of the Virtuous Organization Inspired by Catholic Mission for the Delivery of Health Care, Theadora Krause (Summer 2012)
Interpreting Material Cooperation as a Function of Moral Development to Guide Ministry Formation, Steven Squires (Spring 2012)
Simulation-based Learning in Healthcare Ethics Education, Kathryn E. Wilt (Fall 2012)
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Beggars Can't Be Choosers or the Refugee as a Moral Agent?, Pamela Cartier Allen (Spring 2011)
The Contribution of Foundational New Testament Theological Themes to the Meaning of Basic Bioethics Principles, R. Dennis Macaleer (Fall 2011)
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
American Health Care: Justice, Policy, Reform, Carolyn Conti (Fall 2010)
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Understanding a Woman's Moral Obligation to her Fetus: Maternal-Fetal Conflict as a Covenant Relationship, Marianne Burda (Spring 2009)
Rethinking Death and Donation: Mediating Death at the End of Life in the Wake of Brain Death's Failings, David Scott Henderson (Summer 2009)
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Emergency Contraception, Catholic Hospitals, and Rape, Valerie Violi-Satkoske (Fall 2008)
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Depression, Volition, and Death: The Effect of Depressive Disorders on the Autonomous Choice to Forgo Medical Treatment, Matthew Butkus (Spring 2006)
Courage for a Brave New World: Medical Genetics, Evolution, and a Roman Catholic Approach to Human Gene Transfer, Nicholas Kockler (Summer 2006)
An Examination of the Bio-Philosophical Literature on the Definition and Criteria of Death: When is Dead Dead and Why Some Donation After Cardiac Death Donors Are Not, Leslie Whetstine (Fall 2006)